Tragic Dog Attack Claims the Life of Young Boy in Florida
In a devastating incident on Monday, eight-year-old Michael Millett was killed by two loose dogs in his Volusia County neighborhood while riding his bike. Despite his mother's desperate attempts to save him, the dogs fatally attacked Michael, leaving the community in mourning.
Sheriff Mike Chitwood announced plans to hold the dogs' owner responsible for the tragedy. The 31-year-old owner, whose identity has not been disclosed, reportedly has a history of criminal activity primarily related to drugs and is not cooperating with investigators. Authorities are contemplating pressing charges against her while the dogs are currently in quarantine.
The local community has rallied around the Millett family, launching a GoFundMe campaign to assist with funeral costs. Many neighbors have expressed their grief, recalling prior incidents involving the dogs that had gone unreported. Sheriff Chitwood emphasized the need for community support in building a case against the owner, stating, "Clearly, this woman was negligent."
As officials continue their investigation, the fate of the dogs remains uncertain, with potential court hearings on the horizon.
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