New Ukrainian Film Anthology Offers Unique Perspective on War Through Animals
A groundbreaking film anthology titled "War Through the Eyes of Animals" is set to be released in 2025, providing a fresh perspective on the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. Comprised of seven short films based on real events from the first year of Russia's full-scale invasion, the anthology aims to highlight the war's impact from the viewpoint of animals.
Filming began shortly after the invasion commenced, as Ukrainian filmmakers sought to convey the horrors of war without political bias. "Animals have no politics, but they can feel good and evil," said producer Oleh Kokhan. The project is intended not only to depict the emotional toll of the conflict but also to address the ecological devastation caused by the war.
Among the notable contributors is Hollywood actor Sean Penn, who portrays a U.S. sound producer in one of the shorts. Penn has pledged to donate his earnings from the film to charities aiding Ukraine. The film's production posed numerous challenges due to ongoing missile and drone attacks, affecting the filming schedule and safety of cast and crew.
The project reflects the resilience of Ukraine's film industry even amid ongoing conflict. Actor Oleksandr Pecherytsya, who served in a territorial defense unit during the war, took part in filming while still in military fatigues. He emphasized the importance of maintaining cultural production during this turbulent time, asserting that the fight for Ukrainian identity extends beyond the battlefield.
As the film industry continues to document the realities of war, Kokhan emphasized that cinema is a powerful tool in the information war surrounding the conflict. "We are in an information war, and cinema is one of the most persuasive instruments," he stated.
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